

Wer kennt das nicht: in der Sonne und insbesondere am Strand ist die Nutzung von smartphones nicht das Praktischste. Und da versteckt man sich schon mal etwas würdelos hinter Taschen oder unter Handtüchern, wenn man ohne einfach nicht mehr kann - und davon gibt es einige hier in Hong Kong. Jeder Hong Konger besitzt statistisch gesehen 2,3 Mobiltelefone. Die Smartphone Penetration liegt bei 63% und damit weit vorn im Länderranking.
Foto: Schattenspender
It’s often the first object we reach for in the morning and, for many, the last thing we look at before bed. We use them on the train – and sometimes even on the toilet.

Findings by Google and Ipsos MediaCT, a think tank, revealed that smartphone penetration in the city hit 63 per cent, compared to 49 per cent last year and 35 per cent in 2011.

The study found Hong Kong to have the highest mobile internet usage rate in the Asia Pacific region with 96 per cent of smartphone owners going online every day.

Smartphones appear to have become so important that 22 per cent of users said they would rather give up television than their smartphones. Nearly all respondents used their smartphones to look up local information with 70 per cent admitting to doing it at least once a week and 39 per cent doing it daily. The most popular searches among Hongkongers were for restaurants, pubs and bars (66 per cent), travel information (56 per cent), jobs (40 per cent) and housing information (36 per cent).

 “Some people actually look at their smartphones more than their own boyfriend or girlfriend these days” 
said Google Hong Kong’s head of sales Stella Cheung, adding that three-quarter of respondents don’t leave home without their beloved devices.www.scmp.com/hong-kong/hong-kong-smartphone-use-doubles-two-years

1 Kommentar:

  1. Was ist eine Nomophobie? Grade einen schoenen Artikel gelesen ... hier etwas auf deutsch http://www.experto.de/b2b/computer/android/nomophobie-die-top-20-der-zeichen-dass-sie-smartphone-suechtig-sind.html
