
Lucky Standkorb

Gute Reise und eine schöne Zeit auf Sylt, ihr Lieben! Und um den Strandkorb auf dem Bild würde sich jeder Chinese reißen, denn er ist ein besonders glücklicher, bei gleich 3 Achten.
Foto: Sylt bei Sommerwetter ist fast unschlagbar
So, why is the number 8 considered lucky in the minds of Chinese people. The main reason has to do with the pronunciation of the word for the number 8 in China. It is pronounced "ba" and sounds like the word for prosperity which is pronounced "fa". Another reason why the number 8 is considered to be lucky is because it is a perfect symmetrical shape. You can cut the number 8 in half vertically or horizontally, and both halves mirror themselves perfectly. Perfect symmetry lends itself to perfect balance, which is considered the ideal. http://www.chineseastrology.com/luckynumber8

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